Securing the keys to the IT kingdom.

Cyber criminals continuously update their threat tactics to more proficiently break organizations and make off with valuable data. The entry point has been the perimeter and a need to rethink its architecture is of essence.
Key Enterprise drivers
  • Protecting organizational assets
  • Meeting compliance needs- PCI.DSS, HIPAA, ISO etc
  • Bandwidth management and control
  • Application and web control
  • Advanced threat protection- targeted attacks, DDOS attacks

“Securing the keys to the IT kingdom.” Credentials / Identities are required to unlock all privileged accounts, and they are pursued by external attackers and malicious insiders as a way to gain direct access to the heart of the enterprise. As a consequence, an organization’s critical systems and sensitive data are only as secure as the privileged credentials required to access these assets
Each enterprise should ask itself minimally these 4 questions
  • Can you tell who used a certain username and can you traceback the activities?
  • How many admins share the same credential to a system?
  • What happens when an admin leaves?
  • When an outsider resides inside, how do you secure the assets?

The database is at the heart of every enterprise. Protecting against data breaches and loss of confidential info is the cap every enterprise has to wear. Organizations need to understand where the sensitive data resides and audit/protect it. Additionally, they need better visibility and tools to protect against” advanced threats” such as SQL Injection, cross site scripting etc.

The fastest growing categories of attacks and data breaches are those that target applications, application layer services and inexperienced users. Web Applications have become a main channel through which enterprises deliver their systems to end users. The true facts are
  • Public facing applications are attractive targets
  • Sensitive customer and proprietary data are exposed
  • Almost every web application has vulnerabilities
  • Firewalls can only detect known threats
  • 95% of all websites have experienced cross-site scripting and SQL injection attacks

Email is a tool in use across all enterprises. The easiest way for an attacker to lay siege of an organization is through emails. Securing them becomes a top priority for enterprises.

Server protection is more than just antivirus. Rather than trying to secure devices or networks, data center security adds a layer of protection in the data center that surrounds high-value applications and data assets that are vulnerable to attack, theft, and fraud. Solutions that can secure physical, virtual, and cloud environments from a single integrated application are what enterprises are looking for.

Stopping enterprise fraud before it stops you. Our solution extends both prevention and detection measures. Enterprises can now become proactive and combat fraud threats. The various forms of fraud we offer solutions for include:-
  • Mobile Fraud
  • ATM/ Cards Fraud
  • Enterprise Fraud Protection
  • Internal Fraud
  • Web Fraud & Security
  • Check Fraud
  • ACH/ Wire Fraud
  • Call Center Fraud

IT is ever evolving due to the continuous business demands and to keep up with this change innovation is a key. With innovation you need to have the right balance of securing your digital assets as you find the right way to drive your business.
In this digital age, organizations are constantly under the radar of the Security Poachers who poach for vulnerabilities in your infrastructure. This constantly bugs the IT team as there is lot of risk where not only your prime asset – data is under attack, but also your financial and reputational risks are quite high.
Telekonet’s Cyber Security Solutions helps you to drive business through innovation by plugging the data leakages, protecting applications and infrastructure components, enforcing networking strategies, securing your mobility and end points to achieve your security compliance needs.
Telekonet’s expertise on the Security solutions along with the collaboration of multiple industry-leading Security Vendors can help you tackle all the Security challenges.
We are here to answer your questions 24/7

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