Implementing and integrating high end data center solutions.

Access to information is key and consumerisation of IT is pushing the boundaries of access to information.

Telekonet: Enterprise Technology Solutions

Telekonet has been pioneers in ingesting new technologies in Uganda for over Quarter of a Century. Telekonet has always been a strong believer that technology is what drives businesses and helps businesses to deliver efficiently enabling the Customers to focus more on Innovation.

Telekonet has been empowering Enterprises to achieve their business outcomes with Industry-leading and proven Enterprise Information Technology solutions.  With the highly Experience and Specialized Solution Selling team, Telekonet has been accelerating Customer’ success by connecting the world’s best Technologies with Customers’ business needs.

Telekonet has played a vital role in bringing about a wave of change in the IT Solutions currently being implemented in Uganda. Telekonet is committed to strive by partnering with Customers to achieve their goals by providing the right solution.

Telekonet’s Solution Practices:

Cloud Solutions:

  • Private/Public/Hybrid Cloud Solutions.

Data Center Solutions:

  • Software-defined data center solutions
  • Converged/Hyper-Converged Solutions.
  • Composable Infrastructure Solutions
  • Cloud Management Platform Solutions.
  • Cyber Security Solutions.
  • Enterprise Storage Solutions.
  • Workplace solutions :
    • Desktop/Application Virtualization
    • Mobile device management
  • Backup and Business Continuity Solutions.

IoT Solutions

Consulting Services:

  • Private/Hybrid/Public Cloud Solutions.

With the ever-growing and demanding business needs, your IT infrastructure is always under pressure to meet your End User requirements. We here at Telekonet can give you all that you need to fulfill your business demands swiftly and efficiently by means of a variety of Cloud Solution options.

  • Private Cloud:

Build your own Cloud from your own Data Center or our Data Center facilities and rapidly deploy IT-as-a-service to your end-user.

  • Public Cloud :

Collaborate with the world’s leading Cloud Service Providers like Microsoft and Oracle or use Our (Computer Point Data Center) facilities to host your business applications and leverage upon the cost-effective services. With the pay-as-you-use framework, you can focus on your business rather than worrying about your IT infrastructure budgets.

  • Hybrid Cloud :

Hybrid cloud enables you to combine the functionalities of Private and Public cloud. This way you can have the most critical business data running on your Private Cloud while the less critical data and applications can be hosted on the Public Cloud. This enables you to have a cost-effective solution without compromising on the performance and scalability needed to drive your business.

Our Public Cloud Partners:

Data Center Solutions:

  • Software-defined data center solutions

Traditional IT has been functioning around with dedicated infrastructure for specific applications restricting agility, efficiency, and sustainable expansion of IT architecture.

With Software-Defined Datacenter Solutions (SDDC) you can virtualize the infrastructure – Compute, Storage, Networking, Security, and Availability Services and have a software-defined policy-driven approach to manage and deliver IT ‘as-a-service’.

SDDC provides a lot of flexibility and agility by enabling you to deploy apps quickly and improves the efficiency & utilization of IT resources by increasing the adoption of the cloud services model.

With SDDC puzzling and complex IT requirements can be deployed in a swift programmable manner improving ROI, reducing CAPEX, and OPEX expenditures.

Our SDDC Partners:

  • Converged /Hyper-Converged Solutions.

With the complexity of managing the legacy IT infrastructure and the task of keeping up with the ever-growing business demand, IT is constantly under pressure to deliver services.

Telekonet’s Hyper-Converged and Converged Infrastructure solutions address the cost and complexities by providing an all-in-one virtualization solution that integrates compute and software-defined storage into a single, easy-to-manage, software-defined platform.

The technology makes it simple to acquire, deploy, and manage IT infrastructure and workloads as your business needs grow over time

With high data efficiency capabilities and built-in Backup and Disaster Recovery, You can significantly reduce your Data Center footprints while reducing the overall TCO and improving operational productivity.

Hyper-Converged Infrastructure is highly scalable and allows you to start small and grow big as the need arises.

Our Hyper-Converged Solution Partners:

Our Converged Infrastructure Partners:

  • Composable Infrastructure Solutions

Traditional IT apps are built on commercial, build-it-yourself models and are sometimes based on decades-old architecture. Apps for traditional IT are ops-driven, cost-focused, and designed to support existing business processes like collaboration or data processing.

In today’s world, Apps are a catalyst to drive business and must be able to adapt to different levels of changes.

Telekonet’s Composable Infrastructure Solutions enables you to deploy IT resources swiftly for any workload requirement with powerful software that orchestrates every element of the IT resources.

The software-defined intelligence in collaboration with the different programmable APIs enables you to automate the deployment of the right amount of computing, storage, and fabric combination to drive your business needs.

Our Composable Infrastructure Partners:

  • Cloud Management Platform Solutions.

Infrastructure and Application delivery is always a matter of concern for all IT teams today. With the ever-growing demands, IT teams struggle to manage and deliver services to the end-users. With the emergence of virtualization and cloud technologies, the application servers have increased, and managing the complete infrastructure stack for the ever-growing demands is a great challenge.

Telekonet’s Cloud Management Platform Solutions helps you to have a single solution for heterogeneous cloud architecture that enables you to rapidly provision applications and infrastructure. It provides you with tools that can manage the entire cloud infrastructure with ease with total control over security and compliance.

With a broad range of automation and orchestration, you can control, build, and adapt without any hassles. However be the type of cloud environment – Private, Public, or Hybrid – we can help you achieve your business goals with industry-leading Cloud Management Platforms.

Our Cloud Management Platform Solutions Partners:

  • Cyber Security Solutions.

IT is ever-evolving due to the continuous business demands and to keep up with this change innovation is key. With innovation, you need to have the right balance of securing your digital assets as you find the right way to drive your business.

In this digital age, organizations are constantly under the radar of the Security Poachers who poach for vulnerabilities in your infrastructure. This constantly bugs the IT team as there is a lot of risks where not only your prime asset – data is under attack, but also your financial and reputational risks are quite high.

Telekonet’s Cyber Security Solutions helps you to drive business through innovation by plugging the data leakages, protecting applications and infrastructure components, enforcing networking strategies, securing your mobility, and endpoints to achieve your security compliance needs.

Telekonet’s expertise on the Security solutions along with the collaboration of multiple industry-leading Security Vendors can help you tackle all the Security challenges.

Our Cyber Security Solutions Partners:

  • Enterprise Storage Solutions.

The main element that drives an Organization’s business is the Data. Data has to be available all the time and must be served swiftly for various business needs. With the amount of data growing exponentially all the time, Storage solutions play an important role to reduce the app-data gap and help applications serve the business needs with high performance.

Telekonet’s Enterprise Storage Solutions helps you to provide Data services to your users efficiently. Telekonet’s proven expertise in various industry-leading Storage solutions has helped various organizations transform their IT into agile and highly available business drivers.

With the mix of various top Storage Solution Vendors, Telekonet can cater to your needs with the right fit of Storage systems to help accelerate your business solutions, thereby giving you an edge over your competitors.

Our Enterprise Storage Solutions Partners:

  • Backup and Business Continuity Solutions.

Data is growing by leaps and bounds for every organization and is fragmented across multiple environments. It is of great importance that your critical data is protected and secured by all means. With most IT organizations having a mix of Physical, Virtualized, and Cloud infrastructure IT team are always on the edge to protect their data. Managing the task to protect all the disparate data is always a nightmare for IT. With huge backup windows to complete the backup and high restoration time, data integrity is always at risk.

The customer has to buckle up for any kind of disaster as it is unpredictable and can hit you anytime. Having all the business-critical data lying on a single site opens up the door to lose your data in case a disaster happens. It is of utmost importance that you must have a strategy to handle a disaster and run your business without any hindrances.

Telekonet’s Backup and Business Continuity solutions help you protect your critical data such that you can focus on Business outcomes without worrying about data integrity. With proven expertise in various Backup Solutions, Telekonet can help you achieve all the data protection needs. Business continuity solutions can help you run your business without a glitch in case of any disaster.

Our Backup and Business Continuity Solution Partners:

  • Workplace solutions:
  • Desktop and Application Virtualization

Traditional PC-centric tools have become time-consuming and costly. IT managers are constantly under pressure to manage and maintain large sets of PCs for end users. Not only is the management of a pain area, but also the cost involved in the licensing, maintenance, and support is a concern for today’s IT team.

With Telekonet’s Desktop and Application Virtualization solutions, you can radically transform the traditional approach by providing IT with a new streamlined approach to deliver, protect, and manage Windows or Linux desktops and applications on-premises or in the cloud, while containing costs and ensuring end users can work anytime, anywhere across any device.

Our Desktop and Application Virtualization Partners:

  • Mobile device management :

With the advent of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), users have the flexibility to choose their devices. But it represents both an opportunity and a challenge to facilitate the use of a personal device while keeping work and personal information and data separate.

IT managers are constantly under pressure to manage the devices along with keeping a check that these devices are safe and don’t represent a threat to the organization in case if the device gets lost.

Mobile Device Management Solutions (MDM) helps you to have the ability to locate, lock, and potentially wipe lost devices. With Policy-based security and advanced alerting, Organizations can rest assured that the Corporate data is never compromised.

MDM helps you to deploy the various applications onto the Devices as and when the demand arises. It also allows you to address all the challenges associated with mobility by providing a simpli­fied, ef­ficient way to view and manage all devices from the centralized console.

Our MDM Partners:

IoT Solutions:

As technology has evolved, it has given more avenues to help Businesses as well as Individuals to achieve which was unthinkable.  With more and more devices and objects are being connected to the internet, it can help Organizations to control and utilize them such that it drives positive business outcomes.

With one intelligent network infrastructure, you can improve operations, increase safety and security, and gain valuable data insight to streamline automation.

IoT will impact your bottom line simply by reducing expenses and improving efficiency and gives many organizations a strategic advantage over the competitors in the next decade.

Our IoT Solution Partners:

Consulting Services:

In the times of unparalleled complexities, challenges, and opportunities, organizations are always looking for avenues to innovate and drive business to outpace the competition.

Telekonet has always been seeking better ways to collaborate with customers to help them solve various business challenges and capitalize on new opportunities to grow. Our collaborative approach combined with in-depth knowledge of various industries enables us to help you achieve greater heights.

We have answers for big, complex issues and capitalize on opportunities to help deliver better working outcomes that grow, optimize, and protect businesses, now and in the future.

Our Enterprise Department is responsible for implementing and integrating high end data center solutions like System Virtualization, SAN solution, Disaster Recovery solutions, Backup solutions, security monitoring solutions and Database implementations and support. We are responsible for solution design, implementation, testing and post implementation support.

The team has superior skills to implement and support all the data center solutions as per the vendor standards and customer expectations. The team is always trained on the latest technologies and certified by the principal vendors.

Explore Data Center / Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions

01. Data Center Solutions

Telekonet’s main objective is to simply enable organizations concentrate on their core business consequently cutting down on their IT budgets by outsourcing tailored and dedicated state of the art technology solutions thus leveraging on partnerships and platforms.

02. Cloud Management

With the ever-growing demands, IT teams struggle to manage and deliver services to the end users. With the emergence of virtualization and cloud technologies, the application servers have increased and managing the complete infrastructure stack for the ever-growing demands is a great challenge.

03. Workplace Solutions

Traditional PC-centric tools have become time consuming and costly. IT managers are constantly under pressure to manage and maintain large sets of PCs for end users. Not only is the management a pain area, but also the cost in licensing, maintenance and support is a concern for today’s IT team.

Data Center Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions Partners

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