Meeting the demand for better government services and accountability: our software packages for the public sector also help to combat budgetary restraints.

Public Sector organizations face different challenges. Adding resource constraints to the mix, and the puzzle of how to effectively serve a 21st century populous becomes even more difficult to solve.

We’ve adapted solutions for Government to enhance structural performance and well-being, cutting costs yet engaging more effectively and actively with the population. Key ‘Smart City’ solutions sectors include Justice Law & Order, Social Security, Transport, Energy, Healthcare, Agriculture, Water and Waste.

For E-Government and M-Government solutions, we handle end to end process implementation; starting from enabling the environment up to providing e-Services to citizens. This include defining a e-Government Interoperability Framework to integrate different services for government, and implementing a shared delivery platform which includes Enterprise Service Bus, Authentication service, mobile gateway, payment gateway, e-services portal and mobile solutions.

Few industries have a greater need for purpose-built, flexible software solutions, and few organizations have more experience delivering them like we do. Telekonet offers the most complete, integrated, end-to-end solution for the public sector.

Let us help you meet the rising demand for better government services, budgetary restraint, and accountability – with our software packages for the public sector. Our digital government solutions use technologies such as cloud computing, enterprise mobility, and analytics to help organizations improve performance and develop forward-thinking, citizen-centric programs.

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